Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hey ppls... um was bored decided to write a poem
My insperation was the song Kick push my Lupe Fiasco =]
Hope you enjoy

The first of his kind in his family tree

Always where he wasn’t supposed to be

On the move never had a real home

Skating was what he said his real home

From the beginning grinding the pipe with his new Vans

Always said he was bird, goin where the wind took him man

Fallen in love with his best friend

The one that would be there till the end

His board was his homie, his lover, his friend

No other had ever been there

Had taken him to there and beyond

Kept him off the streets, he had grown fond

One day we met both on our boards

Ultimate battle of skate lords

We kicked and pushed our way to the top

At the end both of us dropped

Wanting to skate for the love and the joy

Hating what people said

“You better make it to the top boy”

So we ignored the rest

Off to the world

Both rebels just lookin for a place to go

Just flip our boards

And finally breathe

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So this is really cool it's my goal chart type crap....
um so yea ima post this up for no real reason but i will so enjoy...i guess
OOOOO go to =]

Mia's Personal Score Badge