Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bloop Bloop...

Hmm... So for the past week I've been watching t.v. specials like "Top 40 videos of 2008" or "100 best songs of the 80's" you know all that good stuff. And my range in music vocabulary (the different styles i listen to) Has definitely been expanded. Like wow i never knew there were so many songs out there...Well i did but i never heard them... so i just wanted to let that... out i guess... yupp yupps... so i'm going to go back to watching Real Chance of love... Byyee! :D

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Hey y'all! Yea right anyway... Who really cares about today? My thing is the future (or at the moment) I'm officially on break! Whoop I guess, but the bummer is that i have absolutely no plans at all. Which is the worst kind of break. But that has little meaning to me too. The thing i really wanted to talk about is destiny. Like a Personal Legend so to speak. Have any of you read the book The Alchemist? Well if you haven't you should. It is really an excellent piece of literature. And it talks about how your real treasure is really where you always were. And how our main purpose in life is to fulfil our one and only goal. Now i think that people can have more then one MAJOR goal, i think the descions you make in life is what determines how your life will turn out. Now I'm not saying if you make a lot of bad decisions you ll have a horrible fate. I'm saying that if you do a lot of horrible things on purpose and have a clear mind then yea your going to end up in a bad situation. But a lot of kids in my class think i don't know what I'm talking about and think that you only have on fate. now if you think that too feel free to disagree with me and explain yourself. Just wanted to know what other people thought about it....

Friday, December 12, 2008


Lol go here

The Trouble a Band-Aid can cause....

Well, this is like really interesting Hahahaha. My friend can't find a Band-Aid so she improvised... Well she used a panty liner! I mean wow that is just amazing... Lol but there have been a lot of times where we cant find a Band-Aid so we use tissue or a napkin or something like that. But a panty liner? I was at a lost for words and was overwhelmed by my laughter. I was laughing for like a good 5min. My stomach hurts really bad just thinking about it. And she "changes" it during our computer info tech class and its like all bloody and she just acts casual, throws it away in the trash can... So now I'm thinking what's going to happen when someone in a different class throws something away and happens to look down? Yea that is the best part of the whole thing that reaction is going to be genius. So a word of advice from the wise teenager to my faithful blog readers (if any)... "Always carry Band-Aids with you, because if you need one and all you have are panty liners it will not end good"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Life of your AVERAGE bored teenager

For those of you who actually read the junk i put up on here for no reason KUDOS. But for those of you that don't MORE KUDOS. So today has been pretty...decent you could say. Nothing interesting... just being a normal teenager. In a really boring class. But I'll live i guess. I mean i have been doing it for 15 weeks right? Today i really wanted to right about the one thing we all relate to (or so they say) MUSIC. Well for the longest time i had been really into Hip-Hop and Rap and all that good stuff, I was "Musically Challenged", but recently I haved discovered that I'm really into other music too. Like Rock, Pop, Country, Opera, Jazz, and classical. And I've realized what my pet peeve is too. When people are "Music Rasist", another term I use a lot, and are so narrow minded and stay foucused on one thing and one thing only. That is irritating. Yupp just wanted to get that out of the way... you know since this is what a blog is for... Hahaha yea. So i'm going to leave it at that and tomorrow i'll write about... I don't kno but check to see =D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So here i go...

Well hey all you blogger people out there... My name is Mia and I'm a "Freshmen" Blogger. Hopefully by the time i get famous (Or Not) I'll have this thing down. So a little bit about me... Hmmm... Well i have to start out by saying I'm a big music fan. My favortie colors are Red, Blue, and Black. Ummm... I'm vey hyper active
and i love to read write and sing.
I'll post another blog with a picture of me and some other cool stuff next time but right now the bell is about to ring in school. Untill next time
And i hope it gets more interesting :)